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4 Encouraging Facts About Your Loved One’s Schizophrenia Diagnosis

4 Encouraging Facts About Your Loved One’s Schizophrenia Diagnosis

Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that can be debilitating to those who have it. It causes a disconnect from reality and has symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. Often, those who have schizophrenia don’t realize they have it, so receiving a diagnosis for their condition is a big step forward for them to be able to get the help they need.

If your loved one has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia, you might feel hopeless about the situation. However, Venice Sanchez, MD, and the rest of our team at Sydea Medical Practice in Newport Beach, California, want to share some encouraging information about schizophrenia. 

Read below to find out some facts that may improve your outlook and help you know how to help your loved one best.

1. Schizophrenia doesn’t mean split personalities

Although schizophrenia is often associated with split or multiple personalities, that’s simply not the case. Schizophrenia comes from the Greek meaning “split mind” but does not include any form of split personality. Instead, multiple personalities are a symptom of dissociative identity disorder rather than schizophrenia.

2. Those with schizophrenia aren’t violent

Another misconstrued fact about schizophrenia is that those who have it struggle with aggressive or violent behaviors. However, your friend or family member with this condition isn’t more likely to be violent or dangerous towards others than any other individual. If anything, those living with schizophrenia are more likely to harm themselves or commit suicide.

3. There are many treatment options available

The great news about your loved one getting a correct diagnosis for schizophrenia is that they’re now able to get treatment. At her practice, Dr. Sanchez offers holistic treatment that includes talk therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes. Your loved one can try out different approaches until they find one that works well for them.

4. Living a normal life is possible

There are many treatment methods available for managing the symptoms of schizophrenia, and your loved one can live a fulfilling life. Once they find one that works well for them and stick with it, living on their own and having positive relationships are all possibilities. 

The best thing you can do for someone battling schizophrenia is to be there for them. Listen to their struggles, learn about their condition, advocate for them, and support them. 

If you’d like more information about how to be a good support system to a loved one with schizophrenia, don’t hesitate to call our office located in Newport Beach, California at 949-269-6142, or you can use our online booking tool to schedule an appointment today.

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