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Blog Articles

Treating Bipolar Disorder with Sleep Medication

Treating Bipolar Disorder with Sleep Medication

Sleep issues and bipolar disorder are closely linked. Poor sleep habits can trigger bipolar disorder symptoms and vice versa. Could sleep medication be the answer? Find out how sleep and bipolar disorder are related and how sleep medication can help.
Jul 24th, 2024
Is Spravato® Treatment Safe?

Is Spravato® Treatment Safe?

Spravato® is an FDA-approved treatment for those struggling with treatment-resistant depression. We discuss how it works and the safety of the treatment here. 
Jun 13th, 2024
How TMS Can Treat OCD

How TMS Can Treat OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that’s usually managed well with medication and psychotherapy. However, for some, these treatments aren’t enough. Find out if TMS could be the right treatment for you.
May 8th, 2024
I Have Severe Phobias: Can You Help?

I Have Severe Phobias: Can You Help?

While it’s common to be scared of heights or going to the dentist, phobias are much more intense and can affect your quality of life. We discuss how we can help you manage your phobias here.
Apr 1st, 2024
How Is PTSD Diagnosed and Treated?

How Is PTSD Diagnosed and Treated?

It’s normal to experience intense feelings after a traumatic event. However, if these feelings begin to worsen instead of lessen, you might have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Learn how this condition is diagnosed and treated here.
Mar 1st, 2024

Why You Feel Anxious After New Year’s Day

After the holidays die down, you might be expecting to feel some relief. However, for some, the day after New Year’s brings nothing but anxiety. If that’s the case for you, we want to explain why that is and how to manage it here.
Jan 1st, 2024
Is TMS Therapy Right for Me?

Is TMS Therapy Right for Me?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) uses advanced technology to address many brain-related conditions. Could this treatment therapy be right for you? Find out here.
Nov 1st, 2023
3 Must-Know Risk Factors for Schizophrenia

3 Must-Know Risk Factors for Schizophrenia

While the exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown, many known factors can put you at risk for developing it. Here are three factors that are the most important to know.
Oct 2nd, 2023
Managing Anxiety at Work: 4 Helpful Tips

Managing Anxiety at Work: 4 Helpful Tips

Is your anxiety making your work day difficult to get through? Work anxiety is common, and we have some helpful tips to make your work life a little bit easier and less stressful.
Sep 1st, 2023
 4 Signs of Substance Abuse in a Loved One

 4 Signs of Substance Abuse in a Loved One

You think your loved one might be struggling with substance abuse, but you’re not absolutely sure. We review the signs of a substance abuse disorder and what to do when you suspect your loved one is struggling with it.
Jul 31st, 2023
What Sets Spravto® Apart from Other Depression Treatments

What Sets Spravto® Apart from Other Depression Treatments

Many people are living with treatment-resistant depression, a form of depression that doesn’t respond well to different treatment methods. Enter Spravato®. Find out how this alternative treatment can successfully treat depression symptoms.
Jun 1st, 2023
5 Signs You’re Dealing with PTSD

5 Signs You’re Dealing with PTSD

It’s not uncommon to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a traumatic event without even realizing it. We offer insight into five signs you might be dealing with PTSD.
Apr 1st, 2023
Understanding and Treating OCD

Understanding and Treating OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a condition that can affect your ability to carry out everyday tasks and activities. If you have OCD, learn more about this mental health disorder and how to treat it to improve your quality of life.
Jan 1st, 2023
What Are the Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

What Are the Different Types of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health disorder, and the diagnosis can vary depending on the intensity of your symptoms. Find out what the different types of bipolar disorder are here.
Dec 13th, 2022
Spotting the Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Spotting the Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can affect anyone, and it may be difficult to see the symptoms of a substance use disorder in yourself. Here’s how to spot the warning signs that may indicate it’s time to seek treatment.
Nov 9th, 2022