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 4 Signs of Substance Abuse in a Loved One

 4 Signs of Substance Abuse in a Loved One

Research tells us that nearly 21 million people living in the United States struggle with addiction, but only 10% get help for it. If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, you might be feeling lost as to what to do about it. 

At her practice in Newport Beach, California, Venice Sanchez, MD, and the rest of our team knows how to help identify and treat substance abuse disorders. In this blog, we review just some of the signs that your loved one might be struggling with substance abuse and what to do about it.

Examining substance abuse disorders

Substance abuse disorder is a condition that causes the uncontrollable use of alcohol or drugs even when there are negative consequences. Those who struggle with substance abuse disorders often have difficulties functioning in their day-to-day life and the disorder can wreak havoc in many areas of their lives. The sole focus of their life becomes using the substance.

A severe substance abuse disorder is known as an addiction. 

Recognizing the signs of substance abuse disorders

Substance abuse disorder can have a lot of different signs for different people, and they can be physical, emotional, and mental. However, we think there are four signs that are noteworthy when a loved one is struggling with substance abuse.

  1. Major changes in personality and behavior, such as mood swings and irritability
  2. Physical signs such as slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and tremors
  3. Changes in daily routine, activities, and friend circles
  4. Financial troubles or suddenly needing money

If you notice any or all of these signs in your loved one, it’s important to encourage them to seek help from Dr. Sanchez and our team. The sooner substance abuse is treated, the better the outlook.

Getting help for your loved one

It’s nearly impossible for someone to overcome substance abuse disorders on their own. For this reason, it’s important for friends and family to encourage them to seek out help. 

At her practice, Dr. Sanchez performs an evaluation to see if a substance abuse disorder is indeed present. She can also address any underlying psychiatric conditions that may be holding your loved one back from overcoming their disorder. She takes a look at your loved one’s condition and symptoms and creates a treatment plan from there.

Treatment plans can include medication, counseling, and lifestyle changes in order to help your loved one give up drugs or alcohol and successfully achieve sobriety. Dr. Sanchez may also prescribe Suboxone® and Sublocade® to help your loved one fight against withdrawal symptoms and suggest a change in habits that might be contributing to the substance abuse.

If you think your loved one is struggling with a substance abuse disorder, don’t wait to get them the help they need. To set up an appointment with our team, contact us today by giving us a call or using our online booking tool today.

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