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How Depression and Anxiety Can Impact Your Physical Health

How Depression and Anxiety Can Impact Your Physical Health

If you’ve ever noticed emotional challenges like irritability, low moods, anxiety, or anger as an injury or illness sets in, you’ve already experienced an aspect of the physical-mental health connection. 

This can go the opposite way, too. When dealing with anxiety or depression — two of the most common chronic conditions in the United States — your body takes note and reacts in various ways. Understanding how anxiety and depression can impact your physical health may help you better understand your circumstances and inspire you to get the care you need.

In Newport Beach, California, Dr. Venice Sanchez provides holistic treatment for all types of anxiety and depression. Read on to learn more about the physical-emotional connection when you have one of these conditions and how we can help.

Physical effects of depression

When you have depression, you can experience ongoing feelings of disinterest, hopelessness, and sadness that impact all areas of your life. Physical signs and complications of depression may include:

These symptoms can lead to more medical issues that worsen your emotional challenges. If you lose too much weight, for example, you risk of increased fatigue, sleep problems, and malnutrition. Also, a lack of sufficient sleep can increase your risk for heart disease and hypertension.

Physical effects of anxiety

Chronic worry and despair can interfere with your daily life, too. High levels of anxiety can put your body into fight-or-flight mode. This temporary defense mechanism is meant to keep you alert and safe but can be harmful if it doesn’t subside. Physical consequences of anxiety may include:

In other words, anxiety may impact your cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, immune, and respiratory systems. And just like with depression, these issues can worsen your emotional symptoms and lead to worsening physical health over time.

How to manage your anxiety and depression

The good news about anxiety, depression, and your physical health is that you can turn it all around. A qualified professional like Dr. Sanchez can help you create a treatment plan that addresses your anxiety and minimizes symptoms and complications. 

Treatments we may recommend include:

Dr. Sanchez also works with you to understand the underlying causes of your anxiety or depression and develop practical coping strategies.

To learn more about depression, anxiety, and related physical health issues, call our office, text us, or request an appointment through our website today.


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