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Spotting the Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Spotting the Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Nearly 21 million Americans struggle with addiction but only 10% seek treatment for it. Substance abuse can affect your mental health and can wreak havoc in many areas of your life.

Venice Sanchez, MD, and the rest of her team in Newport Beach, California are experts in treating substance use disorders. Whether you’re concerned for yourself or a loved one, we want to share the warning signs of substance abuse so you know when it’s time to get help. 

Defining substance abuse disorder

A substance use disorder is a condition involving the uncontrolled use of drugs or alcohol despite severe negative consequences. If you have a substance abuse disorder, your ability to function in day-to-day life is often impaired, and your sole focus is on using the substance. A severe substance use disorder is classified as an addiction.

How to know if you have a substance abuse disorder

Substance abuse disorder can cause several symptoms that can affect your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

There are common warning signs of substance abuse, including:

A major warning sign of substance abuse is not being able to stop using the substance even when the consequences are causing issues in your relationships and your workplace. If you or someone you love is displaying these symptoms, speak to Dr. Sanchez about treatment options. 

Treatment options

Addiction is extremely difficult to overcome on your own. Dr. Sanchez offers a variety of treatment options to help you give up drugs or alcohol. Additionally, she treats any psychiatric issues that may be hindering you from moving past your substance abuse disorder.

Dr. Sanchez uses a combination of medication, counseling, and lifestyle changes to help you move toward sobriety. She may prescribe you Suboxone® and Sublocade® to fight against any withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, she helps you come up with a plan to change your habits and resolve any issues that might be contributing to your addiction.

If you’d like to take the next steps in seeking professional help for your substance abuse, call our office at 949-269-6147 or use our online scheduler to request an appointment today.

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