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What Sets Spravto® Apart from Other Depression Treatments

What Sets Spravto® Apart from Other Depression Treatments

Battling depression is tough enough. But if your depression is not responding to treatment, the frustration intensifies. This is where Spravato® comes in. Spravato has been shown to be highly effective in fighting against treatment-resistant depression.

At her practice in Newport Beach, California, Venice Sanchez, MD, offers Spravato as an alternative or additional treatment to combat the symptoms of your depression that may not be responding to other methods. Here’s a closer look at treatment-resistant depression and how Spravato works compared to other treatments.

Understanding treatment-resistant depression

Depression is a mental health condition that can cause you to have deep feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Treatment options for this condition typically include a combination of medication and therapy. 

Unfortunately, up to two-thirds of people living with depression find the first line of treatment they try is ineffective. In addition, one-third of those with depression find that several kinds of treatment don’t work to combat their symptoms. 

If you’ve struggled to find a treatment that works, you may be experiencing treatment-resistant depression. Other signs that you might be fighting against treatment-resistant depression is that you have short amounts of relief followed by longer and more severe depressive episodes.

How Spravato provides relief

Spravato is the first FDA-approved prescription nasal spray that can relieve treatment-resistant depression. Spravato’s effects are maximized when supplemented with antidepressants. 

Spravato is made of esketamine, derived from another medication called ketamine. Not only does it combat treatment-resistant depression, but it also helps with severe depression that’s causing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

One of the most beneficial things about Spravato – and what sets it apart from other treatments – is that it works instantly. While other medications or therapy take weeks to work, Spravato can give you relief within 24 hours.

How the Spravato process works

You can only have Spravato administered in our office. Before applying the nasal spray, you need to blow your nose thoroughly. After you’ve sprayed the medication, Dr. Sanchez’s team monitors you for two hours to ensure there are no adverse side effects. 

You may feel sleepy and dizzy for a little while afterward, so have a friend or family member drive you home. The next day, you can resume normal activities.

If you’ve been struggling with treatment-resistant depression, Spravato might be right for you. If you’re interested in learning about this alternative treatment for depression, contact our office for more information or to schedule a consultation. You can do this by giving us a call or by using our online booking tool today.

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