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Why You Feel Anxious After New Year’s Day

Most of us experience some pretty heightened emotions during the holiday season, which begins at Thanksgiving and extends through the end of the year. There are plenty of celebration days during this time from Christmas and Hanukkah to Kwanza and New Year’s Eve. 

But, after all those holidays are said and done, you might experience a sense of emotional distress, depression, and anxiety, or what’s referred to as the “post-holiday blues.”

While some of us experience a lot of joy and nostalgia during these bustling months, others might endure other less pleasant emotions around the holidays such as loneliness and sadness. Either way, these prolonged times of strong emotion can be difficult to regulate, leaving us exhausted and on edge when the holiday season comes to a close.

Because these post-holiday blues can be difficult to manage, our team led by Venice Sanchez, MD, at her practice in Newport Beach, California, wants you to better understand where these emotions come from and how to best address them as you head into the new year.

Taking a closer look at the post-holiday blues

Studies tell us that 64% of people report feelings of emotional distress such as depression or anxiety after the holiday season is over. These emotions are typically temporary, but they directly result from the emotional whirlwind the holidays bring. 

After New Year’s Day is over, you might be feeling sad and overwhelmed and have other symptoms such as diminished energy, reduced ability to concentrate, and disturbed sleep patterns. It might also feel really difficult and overwhelming to start up your normal routine since the holidays gave you a break from that structure. 

This can all stem from things that happen during the holidays such as lack of sleep, high alcohol consumption, financial stress, overeating, and general busyness.

Start your new year off right

So, how do you combat all these high emotions and start your new year strong with good mental health? It’s much like dealing with general anxiety.

We recommend practicing these strategies to help you cope effectively with post-holiday blues:

If you find negative emotions lingering long after the holiday bustle has died down, you may be dealing with an underlying mental health issue. If this is the case, it’s very important to seek professional care.

Our team would love to meet with you and discuss coping with the post-holiday blues or talk through any mental health concerns you have. To schedule an appointment with us, simply give us a call at 949-269-6142 or use our online booking tool today.

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